Tag Archives: Event Security Company

How to Find the Right Event Security Company?


Creating a perfect event can be a daunting task. From choosing the right location, setting the right atmosphere, investing a substantial amount of money, and executing it as planned, the person in charge sure has a lot of things to consider. From small-scale events or large ones, safety is of utmost importance everywhere.

By hiring a reliable security company in Australia on board, you can elevate your anxieties about handling the crowd and be assured that your event will start and end smoothly. Here are the steps you can take to help you find the right kind of event security company for your event.

  1. Evaluate the event premises. Before hiring any event security company, the first thing you need to do is know your venue inside and out and see which areas are most vulnerable. Consider the main entrance gate and other ways people can get inside. Remember that unwanted intruders can barge into the event from unexpected places. Figuring these out can help keep security intact in those areas and scare bad elements away.
  2. Calculate the ratio. Hitting the right balance between the number of attendees and security guards of the event is important. A big event security team for a small private event can make the guests uncomfortable, while a few security guards hired to handle a big crowd can be disastrous. As the organizer, it is your responsibility to know the right number of security personnel needed to manage the crowd and maximize security all throughout the event.
  3. Start Your Search. Once you are done assessing the venue and the number of event security personnel needed, you can start asking for recommendations from around and see the kind of service their previous clients had with them. Do an online search and see the ratings and reviews given by their previous customers. Shortlist multiple firms at this stage so you can compare who matches your needs most in terms of efficiency, cost, and quality.
  4. Verify All Company Accreditations. Coming to a company that is licensed and certified indicates the quality of their work. A security company is given a license after its staff goes through the needed amount of training and has complied with all kinds of regulations set by the law. With a certified company, you can rest easy knowing your event is handled by a fully-trained and dedicated team.
  5. Check the Company Track Record. Official certification and license serve no purpose if the security guards do not perform well in their field according to the training given to them. An experienced firm has the necessary skills in handling various kinds of events, from small to large scale. Hiring a company with a proven track record of successfully handling a rowdy crowd should be on top of your list.

With thousands of people attending events every year, their security becomes a crucial issue, and failing to establish safety structures can lead to damage, injury, or disruption. Because of this, event planners have started paying attention to setting up an effective security and management system inside and outside the event premises to avoid stampedes or violence.

About SWC Security:

SWC Security is a top integrated security and facilities solutions provider in Australia. Boasting a highly qualified staff and state-of-the-art technology, they make an effort to give their clients the newest facilities and peace of mind.